The Box Series

Posted March 1, 2020 by Doug
Categories: Uncategorized

Undercover narcotics operations have elements of intrigue, danger and excitement, to mention only a few dimensions. I was one who grew the long hair and beard. Our undercover project was aimed at purchasing large amounts of drugs along with explosives and automatic weapons. We referred to working narcotics as going under. (Some agencies consider the term “going under” to mean a officer is entering drug or alcohol treatment.) The Box series will cover some of the stories I experienced while working under.

So What Does a Box have to do with the topic?

Life can bring us to new places of experience. One can react by reaching out to fully experience the moment (thinking outside the box) or think safety is the order of the day. (thinking inside the box) Human nature seems to drive in the direction of comfortable decisions that won’t upset life style. Administrative persons have a tendency to be conservative in action. They become serious inside the box thinkers. This stifles imagination and generally can have a negative effect where growth or creativeness would drive better results. Box thinkers want to know what today brings and project out worrying about tomorrow. Will tomorrow bring negative results if I utilize or allow creative imagination and natural instinct. This takes on the image of micro management. Net result is generally ineffective results.

The Box #1


I was having a successful career as a detective in a county agency. One day I was asked by the Chief if I’d consider going undercover. The department I worked for had not run special operations for some time and decisions had been made to start a new undercover effort.

A major personal concern for going undercover was the question: Could I fit into a world where dealers and bad players might insist on my participating in the use of drugs to prove myself trustworthy? Another issue was the fact I didn’t drink alcohol and I wasn’t prone towards the use of profanity. In the preface I mentioned how God has our back if we are trying to follow Him. Obviously prayer preceded my decision to go undercover. Was this part of God’s plan and if so how was I ever to fit in so success would come? Next was the fact that if success came then God needed to get the glory not me. Some think that doing what God wants leads to mission trips to Africa where living in a mud hut becomes the calling. God thinks outside the box and He uses ordinary people to do rather unusual things. This was definitely one of those times.

Ephesians reads: We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He prepared in advance for us to do. If this verse is correct then where God calls He oversees. Results can be placed in trusting Him if we stay in His Calling.

I decided to take a leap of faith and jump into the operation.

In law enforcement ‘Outside the box’ thinking seemed to keep me in poor standing with those administrators who wanted to remain low key and successful only on a bare minimum scale. They sought to get the job done as long as it didn’t cross any line of risk. Creative action however has no boundary. (Or so I thought.)

I followed the rule of law to a “T” however, if instructed to bring resolve with success I rarely listened to the rules set forth by my immediate superiors. Thus was the setting for tonight’s operation.

My immediate superior and I had grown beards and long hair. Our project was to go undercover and work to purchase automatic weapons, stolen property, explosives and narcotics. We had worked for months setting up a store front.  A military surplus store would give us the cover for meeting people who might introduce us into the multi-layers of criminal dark societies that exist in all communities. (Even yours.)

My supervisor (Box thinker) had laid out his rules for action and they didn’t make sense. In my opinion the rules were so restrictive they choked the opportunity for success. 


  1. No actions taken outside of cover. (Someone was to have eyes on the deal for protection purposes.)
  2. Money doesn’t walk. (Cash is not to leave our sight without the drugs or property in hand.)
  3. Remain in our area of operation. (Don’t cross jurisdictional lines regardless of “The Deal.”)

Not sure if I mentioned the idea of thinking outside the box however these rules are like thinking inside a one pint Ziploc bag. Yeah….good luck on success!!!!!

The undercover car I drove was a nice Lincoln. It had been a seizure car from a distant past event. Tonight I had been introduced to a person I’ll call Hollywood. How I came to know Hollywood is a subject for another future story. Hollywood had no idea about the store however he did know my undercover status. I had to trust my life to his willingness to remain quiet. This was somewhat disconcerting to me but in order to make initial penetration into the dark side he was necessary!

Without cover (secretly) Hollywood and I took a ride. I figured reconnaissance would be the terminology to cover my action in the event I accidentally made a drug deal. No one knew what we were up to. I was going way outside the box. Rule #1 was about to get violated!

Hollywood utters a great idea: “Let’s go to the bowling alley.”

Sure. Why not. What can happen at a bowling alley? As we pulled up front a guy was walking toward the entrance. Hollywood called him over to the Lincoln. Come to find out this character liked to sell cocaine and knew Hollywood as a regular customer. Problem is he was introducing me, his new friend, into the situation. Not a good move even when your back is covered. Generally a dealer should hear that there is this guy who wants to find a connection. If the dealer agrees then you go to step 2. A really bad idea when you are rogue (as we were) and we were already outside rule #1. For the sake of this story we will call this drug dealer character Shakey.

Shakey got into the car and looked me over. Hollywood indicated we were wanting to party and to do so there was a need for at least an 8 ball. (This equates to 1/8th ounce by weight) Shakey replied that he’d need to travel for it and he wanted $320.00 up front. As I gave him the money I realized that rule #2 was tragically being broken. Arrangements were made to meet at a given time at a given location. The location was remote and poorly lit. The meet was after dark and I knew the deal was going to be just me and Shakey. I was going to park Hollywood in a motel room for the night, make the deal, let Shakey leave without arrest and log the evidence with a report into the safe. This evidence and report sequence was to be the action we’d take over the next year on all deals. The undercover project was to culminate in a year with numerous arrests using multiple agencies. I didn’t know it at the time but by the end of this program ATF, DEA and other State and local agencies would be involved.

A few hours later I drove alone to the pre-arranged meeting point with Shakey.  I had a feeling of foreboding. No one knew where I was or what was happening. I might have freelanced a bit too far outside the box. There was a better than average chance that Shakey might have kept the money and ran off. This kind of failure undoubtedly would result in reprimands. To what extent would remain to be seen.

Pulling up I stopped across the street and sure enough Shakey was standing semi secluded on the other side. I had put my handgun (9mm) under the seat of the Lincoln during the course of the day. To extract and pack it now would be observed and so I made a snap decision to leave it. After parking, and unarmed, I crossed the street to meet with Shakey. He had a slight smirk with his left hand behind his back. All my instincts were on red alert as I knew there was no turning back. When I came to his location he reached out his right hand and placed it firmly on my left shoulder. We were squarely facing each other now and his smirk shifted to a serious frown.  My attire was light clothing with a thin jacket. Shakey brought his left hand around and in his grip was a large kitchen butcher knife. He held the knife in a plunge position and snarled that he knew I was a cop. I’ve never known fear at this level. My throat felt as though it had turned to ice and I knew my next seconds would determine the outcome. I wondered what my wife would think when they found my body. How long until they found me, the guy operating outside the box without cover? The only thing I had going for me was my size. Should I swing? He was smaller than me and I was likely in better shape. The knife however leveled the playing field!

I have no idea where what happened next came from. In a calm yet stern voice I told Shakey that he’d better make sure of the strike because I’d still have the strength to take the knife away from him. In very descriptive words I explained where the knife would be inserted and how it was going to feel to have it there after I took it from him. Glare was met by glare and in the next instant Shakey moved his left hand to his belt and stuck the knife out of sight. With a smirking smile he said that he had just tested me and he was sure I wasn’t the law because I didn’t act like the law. We walked back over to my car like old buddies and he climbed in the passenger seat. Producing a bag of cocaine he asked for a pinch. (Some dealers liked to get a gift for their actions. The gift can be money or a pinch of the drug or both.) Cops will not likely allow a pinch. This one did. As Shakey exited the Lincoln he said to get hold of him any time I needed and I’d be considered a friend. With that offer he gave me his pager number. Little did Shakey know that I would need his friendship in just a few hours. You see I had another deal floating with considerable cash walking with another guy. Lots of cash in violation of rule #2 and #3. These deals had taken me way outside the box!

I know that divine intervention played a major role in this contact. Little did I know that it was setting up the future of my success in penetrating the dark side.

Coming Soon Box 2




Call Upon?

Posted February 29, 2020 by Doug
Categories: Uncategorized

Have you ever been in such state that you just wanted someone to come to your rescue and help. I admit that it is natural for me to look toward man for answers. I must prayerfully check this tendency as I’m confident that God wants me to call upon him for His answers. Moses was called to take the Jewish nation out of bondage in Egypt and at every turn there were problems. Moses continued to call upon God for answers. Moses knew the project was really to big for him or any single man. The people were in need of water (again) and began to complain. God told Moses to strike a rock to produce water for the people. He did and water came flowing out of the rock. Exodus 17: 3 But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?” then Moses cried out to the Lord, “What am I to do with these people they are almost ready to stone me.” The Lord answered Moses, “Walk on ahead of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.”

Life giving water came by the faithful action of Moses who struck the rock and water did come out. I don’t have the staff of Moses but I do have the same God of Moses. He has provided for my needs and He watches over me as I continue to trust Him. God wants us to call on Him and not on man for answers to our problems.

Thank you God for your guidance and supply.

Life As Seen

Posted February 29, 2020 by Doug
Categories: Uncategorized

landscape nature night relaxation

How often do we appreciate the beauty that surrounds us? There is biblical reference regarding how Man can plant and water but God is the one who makes things grow. Imagine the sound caused when mountains formed. As mountains noisily pushed skyward the grass and flowers quietly came forth. Both are beautiful miracles of creation.

The miracle of creation does not rival the miracle of life. Every human comes into this world for purpose. No matter the appearance or physical structure, God has purpose for  every one. In the Biblical book of Ephesians we read: We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He (God) prepared in advance for us to do. Prior to your arrival on earth God knew who you would be and He provided purpose for you.

Frequently I’ve asked God if I’m doing what he called me for. Not so long ago and during a stressful time in  my life I wondered if I was really in His will. Praying didn’t seem to change my life direction. One day one of my employees (who was falling off the wagon and using heroine again) made a comment about their life was a mess. During the conversation I told them they should ask God if they were in His will and if not then what should they be doing. It is always easier to give advise than receive it! The individual said they were afraid to pray such a prayer. My challenge to them was to step past the fear and really seek God’s will in their life. (I didn’t tell the person I was struggling with doubt of call in my own life.)

A few days later the person came to me and said they had put fear aside and prayed for God to direct them. I asked if God had responded. They said He had but they weren’t sure if the answer was in their own head or if it came from God. Obviously I had to ask what they heard.

Response: A bond servant need not be concerned about such matters.

My question to them was; “when is the last time you used bond servant in a sentence?”

Response: Never.

I asked if they knew what a bond servant was?

Response: No.

I realized the message the individual had received was directed at me, not them. A bond servant in Biblical days was a servant who had served in obligation for debt or other reason not controlled by them. Generally there was a time limit on how long the servant had to serve the master. Upon completion of servitude the servant could decide to remain a willing servant to the master or be released from the bond. If the servant liked the master and had been treated fairly and honestly they could willingly remain a slave to the master. This made them a willing bond servant.

The message to me was that God was going to move me when and where He wished. All I needed to do was work on what was in front of me. I believe this is a message to others and not just me. It’s amazing that God took a person using heroine to send me a clear message.

The beauty of life is living in the moment and in the knowledge that God has us in view and that He cares! He loves and sees us.

Serve and Trust

Posted December 12, 2011 by Doug
Categories: Uncategorized

I Timothy 2:1-6 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men – the testimony given in its proper time.

Political correctness is found in verse 1. We are to pray for everyone. Our leaders be they kings, presidents, parents or queens. We are instructed to pray for them and in so doing pray for peace. We live in a world of unrest, where nations are rattling their sabers in contempt and threatening war. Brutal dictators are killing innocent people. Terrorists are killing innocent people in the name of religion. The world appears to be on a collision course with doom and gloom. Economic uncertainty is in every corner of the world. Employment for many is non existent or a day to day proposition at best. Large corporations have stolen retirement funds from people leaving a wake of broken lives and shattered futures. Many are asking: “Where is God in all of this?”

In all honesty there have been times in my life when I’ve asked that very question. I’ve blogged about how it seemed my prayers left my lips to fall to the floor to be trampled on, unheard by God. It is easy to wonder what we did to bring discomfort to our lives. When we review our circumstances in a negative way depression can easily follow. We are told in scripture that all things work together for good. When we are in the heat of the fire it is difficult to live in this belief standard.

Malachi 3: 14 – 18 “You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.’ ” Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. “They will be mine,” says the Lord Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.”

I encourage you to not give up hope. God is Faithful and True. Stand in your faith and know that the Lord does hear you. He cares and is listening to you and the many others who are finding life difficult right now. I wade through the quagmire of problems frequently myself. Everyone does. Our efforts in dealing with problems needs to be prayerful and respectful. Know in faith that God knows our every need. For those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ their hope and future is eternal.


Posted May 5, 2010 by Doug
Categories: Uncategorized

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Have you ever wondered where responsibility begins and ends when it comes to accomplishing a God given project? It can get a little confusing and exasperating when we seemingly are not getting the job done.
There is a story of a man named Joseph in the Bible. The story of Joseph starts in Genesis 36 and goes to the end of Genesis. Joseph had a dream that he talked about. I believe that Joseph knew God had big plans for him. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers who despised him. That could have been enough to derail his dream, yet there was still more trouble. He later, while in bondage, was wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct. He was thrown into prison for something he didn’t do. That could depress and distract almost anyone. Not Joseph. While in prison he interpreted dreams for two fellow prisoners. Later, while Joseph was in prison he was asked to interpret a dream for Pharaoh. He came before the King and interpreted the dream. Pharaoh was so impressed he made Joseph second in command of all Egypt.
Joseph had no chance to gain this position on his own. God had to open the door of opportunity for him. It was Josephs responsibility to be ready to act in faith when called upon.
I often take on the role of trying to figure out how to get Gods work done. It can be real overwhelming.
Our responsibility when called into a God project is to be ready. The position of opportunity likely needs to come from God. Provision will follow. Be patient and wait for God to work. Remember, God lives in eternity with no time limits.
Father, please guide us into understanding and patient faith.